For Pet Professionals

  • Are there any exclusive benefits for veterinarians who use Kedi Labs' products?

    Yes! We deeply value our veterinary community and understand the challenges faced in practice. To support veterinarians, we offer special discounts and additional resources through our B2B/pet professional account. Email us at to enroll. This Kedi Labs Professional Service Vete...
  • Are there any special offers or discounts for pet professionals?

    Absolutely! We value and are inspired by the incredible work pet professionals do for the community. To support your endeavors, we offer special discounts and tailored packages for pet professionals. To avail of these offers, we encourage you to set up a pet professional account with us. This acc...
  • How can a rescue organization avail of the Kedi Labs discount?

    If you're a rescue organization interested in benefiting from our special discounts, please send an email to In your email, provide details about your rescue and a copy of your 501c3. Our team will guide you through the process of registering your rescue account with us.
  • How can I collaborate with Kedi Labs and integrate your products into my practice?

    We're thrilled to collaborate with fellow veterinarians! As veterinarians ourselves, our primary goal is to find innovative ways to enhance pet care. To integrate our products into your practice and avail of the exclusive benefits, simply contact our Kedi Care Team to set up a pet professional ac...
  • How can I set up a pet professional account with Kedi Labs?

    Setting up a pet professional account is easy. In the upper right hand corner you will see a person icon, click on that to create your account. Make sure to indicate if you are a veterinarianian, shelters United member, work with a shelter or pet rescue, a breeder, groomer or work in a day care o...
  • How can Kedi Labs' products assist me in my veterinary practice?

    Kedi Labs offers a suite of at-home diagnostic tests designed specifically by veterinarians. By allowing pet owners to pre-screen their pets with our tests, you can efficiently triage and schedule appointments based on urgency. This not only streamlines your appointment process but also ensures t...
  • How can Kedi Labs' products benefit my pet professional establishment?

    Kedi Labs offers a range of at-home diagnostic tests designed by veterinarians to ensure the health and well-being of pets. Whether you run a breeding facility, shelter, rescue, boarding and grooming facility, or daycare, our products can help you screen pets efficiently, ensuring they are health...
  • How does Kedi Labs support rescue organizations?

    At Kedi Labs, we deeply value the tireless efforts of rescue organizations. To show our appreciation and support, we offer a generous discount on our testing services for registered rescue organizations. Our aim is to make advanced diagnostic tools more accessible to rescues, ensuring that every ...
  • Once registered, how do we start receiving discounts on Kedi Labs testing?

    Once your rescue account is registered with us, you'll automatically receive discounted rates on all our testing services. Our team will provide you with all the necessary details and support to ensure a smooth experience.
  • Why is Kedi Labs committed to supporting rescue organizations?

    Our roots in rescue work have given us firsthand insight into the challenges faced by rescue animals and the organizations that care for them. By offering discounts and dedicated support to rescues, we aim to give back to the community and ensure that every animal, regardless of its background, r...