Eimeria in Pets: A Comprehensive Guide for Pet Owners

Eimeria is a genus of protozoan parasites that primarily affects the intestines of wildlife. While many species of Eimeria exist, they generally do NOT cause illness in dogs and cats. This article provides an in-depth look into Eimeria, its impact on pets, and the preventive measures pet owners can adopt.

Introduction to Eimeria

Eimeria is a group of single-celled parasites that belong to the subclass Coccidia. They have a complex life cycle involving various developmental stages within the host's cells, leading to cellular damage and clinical symptoms. Dogs and cats are exposed to Eimeria when the ingest the feces of infected animals (birds, rabbits, etc.) This is known as coprophagy.

How do Pets Get Infected?

Pets can become infected with Eimeria by:

  • Ingesting Oocysts: Consuming contaminated food, water, or soil containing Eimeria oocysts. This is usually an indication of coprophagy, consuming feces (in this case of other animals).
  • Environmental Exposure: Coming into contact with surfaces or objects contaminated with infected feces.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Eimeria looks just like Cystoisospera spp. on microscopy and can be easily misdiagnosed as a pathogenic coccidia by microscopy. This is why it is important to use advanced screening tests like the Kedi Parasite PCR panel!
Treatment is NOT indicated as Eimeria does not cause disease in cats and dogs. They are accidental hosts. It does indicate that your pet is eating poop from infected animals like birds or rabbits and this behavior should be addressed.

Prevention is Key

To protect your pet from Eimeria:

  • Clean Environment: Regularly clean and disinfect your pet's living area. Make sure they don't have access to wildlife poop and if they do, address and correct the coprophagy behavior.
  • Safe Food and Water: Ensure your pet has access to clean, uncontaminated food and water.
  • Regular Screening: Routine tests can help detect and address infections early.


While Eimeria does not cause disease in pets, it does indicate coprophagy and this behavior does need to be addressed.

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